Saturday, August 28, 2010
Where does the time go?
Today I am 6 weeks from the start of the season, and I also am convinced this is where it gets really difficult. Weeks 13-8 my body is constantly changing and I still have a lot of leway so it's not too bad, you're also so excited about competing in 2-3months that you hardly event think about being hungry/tired. At less than 6 weeks your getting SO ClOSE that you're worried if there is enough time to get ready, your constantly aware of how tired and hungry you are, your having mood swings, and every single thing you eat matters. So I can admit that although my energy levels are a little down, I know they always pick up on mondays so I just think of it as *2 cardio sessions and one lift til monday!*
I've been in Wilmington for a few weeks now, comuting back and forth to Jacksonville and although it's a pain in my a--, it helps me stay very organized and on schedule. If anyone could see how I've organized my school work they'd laugh, i may or may not have 3-4 folders/notebook per class! I can hardly believe I'm taking my last classes before I graduate-i'll be student teaching in january and then it's smooooooooth sailing after that (actually it won't be so smooth, i'll be teaching full time after that and that makes me nervous!). I've been looking into grad schools too though, I think I might like my M.Ed in Curriculum, Instruction, and Supervision-I could work for the county with that writing curriculum.
Anyways, i'm off to the gym now for my second leg day, I am all coffee'd up and i'm going to go take 2,3, or 7 ;) motrin and get the day started. Considering I still have nails, costco, lululemon, food prep on my agenda!
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
gonna make you sweat!
Thursday, April 22, 2010
new roles, new goals!
- Constructing and building successful SNCAE chapters- Rodney Ellis
- Becoming politically aware- Sean McKillop
- Cecoming an activist, are we losing the american dream? - Sean McKillop
- SNCAE business meeting, nominations and elections
- Classroom management strategies- Angela Farthing & Tia Shue
- Parent/Community Partnerships -Keyth Harrison
- Becoming the best teacher you can be! -Cindi Rigsbee
- Surviving the First Year-Sean McKillop
- Surviving Student Teaching
- What it takes to be a great educator -Sheri Strickland
The information was overwhelming yet very helpful and beneficial to strengthening your teaching career. I have a stack of papers and notes to go through and organize, next week of course ;). Procrastinaton is a teachers middle name! I've never met so many powerful people in one room and I'm blessed to have the opportunity to work with all of these people in the future!
Also, fabulous news. I ran and was elected the State Secretary of the Student Association of Educators. Running for office was something I thought would be a good idea, but due to my lack of experience, it wasn't something I thought I would get over some of the other great people running. Needless to say when my name was called, I may have teared up a little and had trouble breathing. It's a honor to get to work with so many driven educated people and I plan on making this the best year the organization has ever seen! I am glad to have passed down my position at the university level to very motivated woman, and am excited to step up and take a larger role (that I can't wait to throw on a resume!)
I wanted to share a quick resource that I am so excited to use. This is a blog from a teacher who also has a fitness passion- so she must be smart! She is formulating an idea of having "sight word buddies" using beanie babies (or any stuffed animal). You name the beanie baby "Mr.(sight word)" and put a name tag on the bear. Each week the student picks a buddy to put on their desk and take care of through the week. She also talks about having the students use the sight word buddy in the line up process, yet this has many many many opportunities for disaster (little ones can find almost any way you attack another student!)
A final education point..
May 15 NCAE is holding a rally at high noon! We will be yelling loud and clear to the nc legislation exactly what we think about the budget cuts! There will be tons of local teachers and administrators as well as the NCAE community making sure that the state knows how we feel and if nothing is done they'll have to hear from their educators! I cannot wait, mostly because i like to yell but also because the projection for teacher cuts is 300,000 for next year. THREE HUDNDRED THOUSAND TEACHERS will be cut in the upcoming year, lawmakers need to know that 50 full inclusion students in aclassroom with one teacher is not going to yield educational success, and we aren't going to stand for it. BE THERE! -contact me for more details. I'm planning on lunch, petition, shopping, ya know the usual ;)
Tomorrow is my last day in the classroom-wrapping up my part of the citizenship unit and handing my kiddos back! I'm relieved yet I miss them already. We start serious EOG review next week, so I'll be taking over the math review with them so that'll keep me occupied. I also get to spend some time in my sisters 1st grade classroom, I love my 3-5 kiddos to death but I miss the little ones sometimes! I also get to play with some technology in my girlfriends high school classroom- I swear I'm lucky I can turn a computer on. I'm ready to play with some fancy technology!
I'll be stuck unit plan writing/babysitting all weekend so I'll have plenty of time for posts, I may even be inspired for a video blog, so much fun!
Monday, April 12, 2010
Random Ramblings

Tuesday, April 6, 2010
The Power of Friends & My Fav Cardio!

This is a sample of my treadmill cardio. Normally I'm doing this first thing in the morning or right after a lift (so I don't do too much of a warm up-yeah yeah I know that's probably not good, but i'm freaking tired). This will run you about 30 minutes, and then I usually do 15 minutes on the stair master at like a level 7-9, I have a love obsession with the stairs, but that's another story for another day! I will be posting more as I write them out, so happy sweating for now!
Sunday, April 4, 2010
happy easter
Today was my only rest day from the gym, so I tried to take full advantage of that, but it's so hard! Amy and I took a really nice walk around the neighborhood after lunch/dinner and it was so hot I think I sweat off at least 1/2 of the calories from that cake. I thought about doing a little circuit training once I got back home, but I know I need rest, so i'll just do it! It's going to be a long week so I might as well rest while I can.
I have a quick paper to type on Child Abuse (..such a depressing sad subject) and then I'm going to read the last few pages of my book. It's been such an eye opening book on such a real issue. One of my favorite quotes from Kerry was..
"Not being able to live without someone is not love, it's need"
Friday, April 2, 2010
turkey YUM
Thursday, April 1, 2010
greek yogurt=happiness.
(obviously not all together)
- 1/4c ezekiel granola
- 1TB coconut oil
- 1TB organic honey
- 1/4-1/2c strawberries or blueberries
- 1 dollup of cool whip lite & 1TB dark chocolate pieces (if you're looking for a dessert fix!)
- cinnamon, pumpkin pie spice, or any of your favorite extracts (1/2tsp coconut/almond/vanilla extract)
...seriously you're possibilities are endless and I've barely even gotten started learning all the ways to enjoy it!
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
before the sun rises..
I had a great morning lift, did savage figure back and rear delts and finally broke through some personal records on a few lifts. Was planning on doing sprints on the treadmill, but my hamstrings were begging me not too, so I did lots of weighted incline and the elliptical instead for my 30 minutes. I kinda missed having no-one to talk too, but I remember why I enjoyed early am lifts, because I was totally in the zone. I got home around 8ish, and decided to give egg beaters a second try since last year I almost gagged trying to eat them. They were so good I was in heaven. Sometimes plain old egg whites gets boring to me, and this was such a treat! I had some salsa on the side and a slice of my favorite ezekiel bread! Carbs=happy casey!
Then I got to catch up on my DVR'd Biggest Loser last night. I couldn't survive without that show seriously. Was anyone else pissed that the commercial diver's wife had to come back, that challenge wasn't fair at all and her AND her husband are idiots. She is all about game play and I hate her. But I am proud of the man that lost 400 pounds on his own at home! FOUR HUNDRED POUNDS! I have to have support just to lose 4 lbs, nevermind 400lbs. I was so impressed, people that go fight for themselves like that prove to me that everyone can make a change whether it's about fitness or not. Just because you're in a lifestyle doesn't mean it's YOUR lifestyle. Make a change to better yourself as a person, rather than just being content. While I was working on some social work homework (which is so depressing and sad btw) I made some oreo fudge brownies for my special ed class tonight! They are not whole wheat nor do they have any nutritional value at all because i LOVE these people, and they are teachers and hell we DESERVE A LITTLE SUGAR! They are mini anyways and super cute. I ate one and they were so rich I was done! I got the recipe from Jessica at How Sweet Eats:
Warning: do not go to her site if you are hungry and don't have self control!

Isn't she the most stunning thing you've ever seen? She is the funniest, most inspiring, beautiful woman on the planet to me (and she does a mean bruce springteen impression). I couldn't love her more if I tried and even if we argue like sisters, I wouldn't be half the person I am today without her. She's been through more than I can explain and is a better woman each day because of it. Shes makes me laugh, cry, dance, yell, sing, and overall be a happier person. I never take her advice when she gives it, but she's always right and she could certainly teach some people a few things on life. We don't eat the same way at all, and our training styles are polar opposites-I don't think she's done a plyo move in...well maybe ever? ;) But no matter what happens or what she has to go through she handles all situations with grace and courage and I hope one day I'll be that big of a person. But for now I just try my hardest to follow in her footsteps by listening to all things 80's rock, being a diehard sly stallone fan, living for $4 walmart tank tops, and eating lean ground beef by the pounds. And this picture below may or may not be what she's hiding under that cheap ass walmart tanktop!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010
good training, good day, good girl.
1/2TB coconut oil (shhh. I'm not supposed to be eating that, but i'm addicted!)
Monday, March 29, 2010
Here I Go Again..
Through hearing other peoples stories and my own personal trial and error I feel like I'm on the right track to learning that secret of balance. I spend each day trying to learn how to teach, be a teacher, get my training in, be a girlfriend, be a sister, be a friend, eat clean, and try and let me hair down and have a little fun. Through this blog i'm going to share the good and the bad, the times when I eat a whole tray of brownies by myself and the times when I rock a week of awesome training. I want people (including myself) to learn that you need to set your expectations high for yourself, but don't be unrealistic and don't beat yourself up. Do what you love, BECAUSE you love it. Follow what your passionate about, but do it makes your life sweeter and more meaningful, don't ever do anything that makes you miserable about everything.